Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain Blames Bridge to Nowhere For Minnesota Bridge Collapase


Ruth said...

This is quite an amazing find, John. It reminds me of the double talk Karl Rove and someone else (can't recall) did on camera, shown on Jon Stewart's Daily Show. They used one set of standards for Hillary, saying if she is going to play with the big boys, she needs to not complain about being ill treated, and then they turned right around and asked people to go easy on Palin.

John Ackerson said...

Yes Ruth,

It's quite amazing the continual capacity certain groups have for blindly ignoring rational, and critical thinking!

It is the utmost heights of hypocrisy that Palin would appear a moral choice for the religious crowd.

Once again, an aware individual is boggled by this lame act of sheepledom!