Friday, September 26, 2008

5 Minutes of Brilliance from Congressman Peter DeFazio on the Bailout


Ruth said...

A lot of punch in a short speech. It's such a bunch of hogwash that we will fall into the abyss immanently if something isn't decided today.

John Ackerson said...

Yeah Ruth, our economy in Canada is tied to the US economy in so many ways. I saw the effects of hyperinflation in Mexico in '87 after that currency lost much of its value. The middle class had effectively been wiped out.

Since then however, the gap between poor and rich has escalated to unreal levels of disparity and as badly as I feel for those hurt in Mexico, I sure don't want to see it happen to us too.

When I was tripping around the countryside there, I witnessed all sorts of everyday, blatant corruption, and a way of life that was very much based on fear.

There's a Catholic church in Mexico city I accidentally discovered where the locals crowd onto, and attempt to maintain a foothold on a moving walkway in front of the alter where they throw their few, hard earned pesos into a large trough next to a canonized saint's statue.

Maybe someday their prayers of a better life will come true.

sandy said...

finally, I find somewhere I can talk to others about this. It's not a good time for me right now, but I'll be back.

thanks Ruth, for clue-ing me in. I had no idea that John had this blog.

John Ackerson said...

Hey Sandy - good to see you here!

John Ackerson said...

Hey Sandy - good to see you here!