Monday, February 27, 2012

We Like War and We Want War with Iran

Back in the mid-80's I worked for two Iranian brothers in Montreal who told me a harrowing story of how they came to be in Canada.

As Iranian army conscripts they were making a typical truck trip to fetch water and other supplies for a forward operating post they were stationed at. As they were returning sometime later, they discovered their post had been overrun by Iraqi forces.

The Iraqis were gone but had left extreme atrocities at the post. All their former friends and comrades were dead, or worse. The Iranian brothers decided right then and there they'd had enough of a life filled with this kind of bullshit and human misery and left Iran and escaped to the west before they could be stationed at another forward post.

However, I'll never forget what the Iranian brothers told me. They blamed Britain, the U.S., and Israel for creating situations that pitted the Persian countries to wage battle against each other. They cited the stolen democratic election in Iran of 1953 that ushered in a puppet dictator for oil hungry Britain and the west that began the modern problems for their country and neighboring hostilities. Instead of democracy, the brothers said they got perpetual war.

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