Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Achieving a Balance between Pessimism and Optimism

Like many of you, I'd like to think I enjoy a fairly, healthy mental state. You'll notice I said fairly. I don't know if anyone in this world can honestly apply the term; perfectly, and 'healthy' mental state to themselves. If you do however, I congratulate and more bananas to you!

However, for most people out there in the grind of the 9 to 5, rush hour traffic, road rage, performing unfulfilling tasks, and dealing with half-lobotomized co-workers at the water cooler, all of this can understandably get even the healthiest mindset down at times.

For these challenges many of you have to face out there on a day-to-day basis, let me just say, first of all, I feel for you, and secondly, I'm thankful I work at home...

All ribbing aside, I'm grateful for what we have here. Even before I turn on the TV news in the evening, I know I'm going to witness sights, and hear stories being told that will in all likelihood, begin to get me depressed. From one particular article aired on CBC's The National last night, all I can say is; Valium anyone?

No wonder you hear some people say they've had to take a break from the news. I've done it myself countless times. But inevitably, I always return for more. I return hoping against hope that somehow, magically we've all stopped our bitter, insignificant disputes, no one's killed, or murdered someone else, no one's getting ripped off, no suicide bombing has just shredded through another crowd of people including children, our leaders have stopped saber rattling, and have also made a true, historic agreement with each other to end pollution, greed, and poverty!

Yes. I'll just wait a moment until you stop laughing...

Monday, January 28, 2008

State of the Union Address

I love the sense of freedom that our type of political system offers to the individual. I am excited by the fact that you, or I as individuals have the legal right to not only disagree, but actually make our voices heard.

"And when do you make your voice heard?" You ask.
The answer is simple: When something bothers you. When what you see, or what you hear angers you.

"Why bother?" You ask.
"Why not just have a good time in life, and to hell with all the rest of the problems in the world? After all, what difference will it make whether you raise any concerns or not? Who the hell actually cares? Obviously we have these problems in the world for a reason. Why beat your head against a wall? Do you actually think you'll make a dent in anything? Why not just take a Prozac and go on vacation? Find a nice tropical hideaway for a couple of weeks like everyone else."

Yes, I agree. That sounds like the plan. I guess I could just shut-up and enjoy all the luxuries that a capitalistic driven democracy has to offer. You know the one; 'Get mine before others get it all'.

But alas, if only life for me could be so simple! I don't know. I guess, I'm a sucker for punishment - a romantic that belongs who-know- where. No, the actual truth of the matter is, like many others in this world, I seem to be afflicted with a mysterious, and as yet, an unnamed "awareness" disorder that does not allow me to turn away from the bad news of the day. Guess another known name for this condition is simply consciousness, or being burdened with a conscience.

Having a conscience or the lack there of, has always been a fascination of mine - what psychologically goes into making a person the way they are - why some people have a conscience while other people obviously don't. Were they not born with it, or was it conditioned out of them. I prefer to think the latter because that would be more understandable.

Caught part of Bush's State of the Union Address tonight...

I'd like to  believe what Bush offered in the Address as something to get excited about, but unfortunately I can't. Once again, I'm turning a very jaundiced eye (and ear) to his P.R. campaign. What truly is unfortunate however, is that there are so many others who choose for one reason or another, to side with his views, to ignore what's really going on, and what historically has been going on.

Don't misunderstand my motives please. As I've said, I love freedom of speech as an inherent right in our culture. I think all cultures should be so lucky. ( In another era, I'm thinking 1950's, I probably would inevitably be accused of being a communist, just as many other free-thinkers in those days were). In the last few years however, the stakes have been raised once again. Certain narrow, suspicious minds have attempted to drag freedom of speech back to a more dangerous place. I witnessed more of this same talk tonight. Instead of choosing to export peace, cooperation, and good will, we are throwing down the gauntlet, and are prepared to offer further warfare, and unnecessary bloodshed to maintain a so-very selfish 'democratic' stance, that if all the history truths were revealed, would be seen as anything but democratic. If only we could collectively realize, we all stand to lose in the end.