After winning a recent Canadian national election which saw the re-election of Stephen Harper as Prime Minister of Canada and gave him back what he didn't necessarily want ... another minority government (which is why he called an early election in the first place when he saw the opposition was very weak -so okay, some might say this is acceptable political strategy, but it still doesn't allow Harper to look like he's taking the high road here...)
But he's also forced to make nice with the other parties involved, or forever fear the threat hanging over the head of every minority government - of being defeated by a non-confidence vote....then for as yet an unexplained, and unfathomable suicidal tactic decides on a very combative course in a time when Canada should be pulling together to ward off a major economic downshift, by lobbing a political hot potato into the political arena during the release of the new budget which promises to cut off public funding ($/vote) for political parties.
Canadian/Newfoundland CBC man of letters, political punster, and wry wit Rex Murphy said it all, when he asked the question on national TV, "Is what Stephen Harper did, the height of arrogance, or the depth of ignorance?" (Actually, I ad-libbed here a bit...Rex said something very similar, but with the same general meaning...)
Arrogance vs ignorance, hmmm, sounds velly familiah. In our case, I think W is both. As his mother said when asked if he was dumb, "He's dumb as a fox."
No doubt human intelligence is a funny thing (maybe funny if it didn't often have so many disastrous consequences), and I think you're right; for this reason W takes the cake...and then some.
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