Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Corporation

If you don't already know about this film, here's a short trailer for it.


Ruth said...

The video didn't work for me here, but I went to your sidebar link and watched the grade 8 classroom video. I'll definitely watch The Corporation as a result, thanks.

Listening to those 8th graders talk about it was inspiring!

John Ackerson said...

Hi Ruth - Maybe you shouldn't be drinking grocery store bought milk when watching this film, and I'm not talking about the Chinese originated melamine scare...

Yeah, I agree with you about the kids though!

Unfortunately, I think the old traditional pattern of becoming a 'successful', consumer-oriented adult has its roots in mass conditioning (hypnosis), and in which case once again mainstream media is involved in its own culpability where it chooses to look the other way. (Providing what passes for news is really just a very efficient way of delivering 'buy-this-now' messages during commercial breaks).

And on early intervention...
The daily hum-drum existence of putting in time in a classroom seat week after week, month after month, over many years in the early part of our educational system, eventually leaves children who become young adults ill equipped to use critical thinking to view their environment with. Instead they have a filtered lens in which they view the world.

And for the would-be creative personalities, they are not taught any age-applicable hands-on experiences to grow and become independent with. Instead what they often do understand is what most children are conditioned with; the need to consume and desire products on a 'must-have-now' basis as we are bombarded with advertising in our culture that promotes instant gratification.

Therefore, simply as a general rule, we as a society have the life conditioned out of us. We forget what it's like to be young and happy. We forget what it means to get along with others, and share (at least we are told we should aspire to this approach when we are young). And we forget what it is to be alive for the simple, sheer pleasure of being alive!

You already know this Ruth, but thanks for letting me vent, or huff as you say...

Morna Crites-Moore said...

Remind me not to read your blog at the beginning of a new day. I never heard of this movie, but I definitely want to see it - - - an experiment in "how depressed can you get" - - - do you know anything about when it is being released?

John Ackerson said...

Hi Morna!
Sorry to depress you. Of course, I realize you're just being humorously sarcastic such wit!On the other hand, it does seem whatever relationship you're going to have with another person sharing ideas back and forth on such subjects may be seen by some as to be inducing certain levels of depression, but I would rather see it as simply providing more fuel...
Youtube has The Corporation in 23 parts I believe. Very educational - gives you a brief but insightful rundown on the history of the corporation, and how it's developed over time. Shop-a-holics everywhere should be made to watch it... and yes, ironically, we're all caught up in the structure of the system ourselves...

Morna Crites-Moore said...

Hi John - I'm actually more than willing to discuss the "depressing" things, much to the dismay of friends and family. I just don't "get" people who think not hearing about it means it doesn't exist. And I don't understand how someone can not want to talk about the tragedies happening in the world. How about not wanting to watch a video on animal suffering, or starvation in Africa, because it is too upsetting. But if the PICTURE of it is upsetting, why aren't they doing something about the fact that the upsetting stuff is real? It exists. Sigh.

Thank you - that was a nice little rant - just what I needed! And thanks for the tip about The Corporation on You-Tube. I'll look for it. Too bad they don't show it in high school history class. Better yet, middle school.