Sunday, July 13, 2008

On Re-educating Our Educational System and Understanding the Cultural Phenomenon of What We Have Today Instead

"A funny thing happened on the way to school one day. At an early age, I decided I couldn't stand the slowness of learning that attending school  offered, so I quit, and that's when my real education began." - from my personal history.

I was commenting on David Campbell's Economy blog regarding all things New Brunswick and its economy, and came across his discussion with someone referring to Taylorism.

Frederick W. Taylor was an efficiency expert: the first modern efficiency expert in world history. Around the turn of the Twentieth Century, he developed a set of ideas designed to get employees in manufacturing industries to produce more output

His term for this collection of strategies was scientific management, although it is sometimes simply referred to  as Taylorism. In order to implement his ideas, Taylor contracted with companies to rearrange their production processes to simplify the tasks each employee performed. Instead of doing many different things, workers in Taylorized factories would execute the same simple tasks over and over.
This not only increased production, but reduced an employer’s need for skilled labor. For this reason, employers could cut their overall wage costs
Taylor and his disciples cited the search for efficiency, “the one best way” to do a job, as justification for such changes. Because scientific management consultants claimed they understood the “natural laws” of human behavior and endurance, they argued that the implementation of scientific management would benefit both workers and society at-large.
Nevertheless, skilled workers and their unions often vociferously protested these changes because Taylorism made their work monotonous and also trespassed upon what they perceived as their traditional prerogative to manage their own time on the job. Workers and their unions objected not only to the efforts of scientific managers to determine what workers did all day, but also to efforts to tell workers exactly how they should do it.2
Approaching the end of the Industrial Revolution, Taylor’s ideas provided a catalyst for increasing the output of American factories beyond the promise of technological advances alone. After Taylor’s death in 1914, scientific management spread throughout the world, and it has influenced everything from advice to housewives on how to do their chores to how Japanese (and later American) cars have been made. Taylorism has also shaped the structure of American education. - This quote and more info here.

Below are a few important notes to consider:

Advent of the Industrial Revolution between 1760 - 1780 (give or take).

People began leaving their rural lives behind, to go to the cities where they could be employed in a factory. They in effect were leaving cleaner, less stressful, and more self-sufficient existences for one fraught with dangers to their health, both physical, and mental along with the risks of potential poverty, and boredom as they worked to receive what they initially thought would be better pay, and a better life. Ironically, at the same time, society was also leaving its familiarity with nature behind.

Before the Industrial Revolution many tradespeople made wide use of 'hands-on skills' in their livelihoods, and in their lives in general. 'Self-sufficiency' wasn't an invented term in this era, but was instead universally accepted simply as a way of life - more individuals had more real-life applicable skills.

Today we would say such a person was multi-talented, or multi-skilled which goes against what Taylorism has done for much of our educational system.


Ruth said...

Yes, I'd say you and Gwen are self sufficient, as much as I think is possible in this world.

I finally responded to your two very good comments over at huffing. I'm sorry it took me so long. And never a worry if you get side tracked, I liked it.

As for the 911 loose change video, I found it on YouTube, but my laptop strangely only plays YouTube videos on a hit or miss basis. I've had computer techies look it over, and we can't figure it out, even after looking in the likely places. At any rate, read what I wrote you at huffing, I agree about the conspiracy theories in general, but sometimes you can't ignore the evidence.

John Ackerson said...

I'll admit Ruth,sometimes being 'self-sufficient' hasn't always been an easy path to follow as I've struggled with various self-induced learning curves over the years.

And of course, we're still not as 'self-sufficient as we'd like to be.

On the other hand, we do have more freedom - freedom to chart one's personal course, and freedom to think independently - living this lifestyle which I am eternally grateful for!

Regarding your laptop, I wonder if your video card is not a little wonky? Depending on your model, most laptops video cards are built into the motherboard. Warranty? Or bite the bullet and buy a new one?

We happen to deal with good computer geek guys who run their own independent shop, and build computers on site using the best parts available, and offer great warranties to back their quality. Their computers are easily upgradeable (tower cases). They don't like the Vista platform which is a power hog...We have XP on our computers.

But laptops are a different story. They simply order them in factory built along with factory warranties. Are new laptops upgradeable? maybe to a certain point...

BTW, don't worry about the delay in responding as I too get bogged down in other things.